Magna Investors is registered with AMFI as a mutual fund distributor with ARN – 102124. It is engaged with various AMCs for providing services related to distribution of Mutual Funds & earns commission from this activity, which is already embedded in the product & investors need not pay any fee or commission separately.
Details of Scheme level commission on Mutual funds are available with the Relationship Managers and would be produced on demand.
Portfolio Expenses are capped at certain level from 1.5% to 2.75% by SEBI and charged as per the Asset size and on annualized calculation method.
Magna Investors is also a SEBI registered Investment Adviser vide registration number INA300015641 dated 29th December 2020 which is valid until canceled by SEBI. It has designed a fee structure for its advisory services which is independent of the distribution division.
The Firm shall provide distribution services to its non-advisory clients and implementation/execution services to its advisory clients. The execution services shall be provided only through direct schemes / products in the market. However, the Firm will not receive any consideration for the execution services.
The distribution and implementation / execution services shall be carried on through a separately identified department/division and shall be at arm’s length with all the advisory clients. The compliance requirements for client level segregation will be followed by the Firm at all times.
In case you need any clarification or wish to understand more on our fee structure or commissions, do feel free to contact us from Monday to Saturday (working time 10 am to 6 pm)